Friday, June 12, 2009

The garden- Mama.

Before we told Henry we were leaving him in Ohio, he expressed interest in how the garden was doing. ("I can't wait to see how big our garden is!") We think it's because there has been a lot of rain and thunderstorms lately. We told Henry it rains because my garden needs water and stops raining when it has enough. (Just wait til your kids start asking "why?" about every little thing.) Well, Henro, here's your update. Grams, make sure Henry gets to see this if you can get him to stop watching the videos I posted.

Our onions look good, I think. Are they suposed to fall over like this?

The potatoes, peppers and tomatoes are taking over the back yard. We need to get some posts for the tomatoes to climb. Look close and you can see a few blooms.

And the sunflowers, radishes, peas and herbs are thriving. We're going to pick fresh cilantro for our fiesta chicken salads tonight.
And here's mama looking smug with her new haircut. It's so hot down here that we all knew it was just a matter of time before Grandma chopped it all. I think it's still a little too long on top. I don't know if it's the new lack of hair or maybe I'm just getting used to the South, but it doesn't seem as hot this year. Today the car thermometer read 99 degrees and I didn't pass out immediately. Give me a few months.

Why else I am so happy? It might have a lot to do with how quiet the house is. After we got home at 3am on Thursday morning, I slept in until noon, spent the afternoon at the eye doctors picking out some very hip glasses (they have lime green on them!) and eating sushi with papa. Then we went to Greensboro and won second place (in a coin toss tiebreaker- boo) in a trivia contest and even went to a smoky gross bar to order cheese sticks. Sorry kids, but we can't have that kind of fun when you're here. Today, I didn't even get dressed until 5pm, ran for the first time since I hurt my foot, and am now thinking about spending the rest of the night watching movies. Hey Coopers and Turners, do you want to keep the kids for the rest of the summer?

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