Friday, September 25, 2009

Tired Biggy-Henry.

Yesterday, we decided to take papa back to the lake park for lunch (yeah for Sonic!). We made sure to reserves bread from the enormous grilled cheese sandwiches to throw to the fish. We fed a lot of fish but had to leave because it was just too hot. (90 degrees at the end of September? Come on.) June fell asleep on the way home, and for the first time in Turner kid history, she stayed asleep even as mama got her out of the van, took her upstairs, changed her diaper, and put her to bed.
Mama wanted to get a picture of her passed out on the changing table with one leg handing off, but decided instead to not risk June rolling off while she went to get the camera. Instead, here's a few shots of one tired little buggy asleep in bed.

Poor little kid even slept through her brother hollering downstairs.

And here's a gratuitous thigh shot for Aunt Jenni.

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