Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Two parties-June.

Like mama said, we didn't get any pictures from the Seibert summer party.
She did manage to get two pictures of Tessa and I swinging in the park beside the shelter house where we had the party. You can't see it here, but I'm starting to break out in what has finally been determined to be hives. We think the cause is maybe chocolate or grass. Both of which have never bothered me until the past 2 weeks. I broke out twice this weekend. Both times have resulted in almost instantaneous hives. But then they go away as soon as I get a dose of benadryl and hydrocortisone cream. The good news is that I never notice the hives when I have them. We can't wait to hear what the doctor thinks.

Tessa practiced being cute. And she even gave an attempt at walking to impress all of her great aunts and uncles.

On the way home, we all fell asleep. Henry saw that us girls were sleeping and asked mama permission if he could take a nap too. When we got back to the Taller house, the girls woke straight up, but Henry slept in the van for another half hour.

We ordered pizza and had an early party to celebrate Annalise's 3rd birthday.

Annalise had a pretty butterfly cake. As soon as the birthday song was over, the kids scrambled to claim a frosting butterfly for their own.

I didn't eat any cake because I was playing with the toys by myself minus the burden of clothes.

Annalise enjoyed a big piece of cake and a scoop of bright Superman ice cream.

While Tessa gnawed a slice of pizza.

It was a great trip to Indiana in which the 5 oldest grandkids kept themselves occupied most of the weekend hiding in Evie's bedroom making signs that declared certain rooms of the house off limits to brain eating. Lucky for them, Monster Uncle Bran disregarded all signs and terrorized the kids to their extreme enjoyment. And now that we're safe back in South Carolina, we can tell Aunt Jenni that there was also a lot of jumping on Evie's bed that kept the kids happy. Sorry Aunt Jenni, at least they took turns jumping from the step stool on to the bed.

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