Sunday, July 5, 2009

Audrey is 1- Juner.

Last week, our friend Audrey turned one.
We like Audrey a lot, but Papa doesn't want to hold her or kiss her because she looks a little too much Mister Andy.

Miss Estelle made Audrey this huge cupcake.
This is the best family whot we could get of Miss Becky, Mister Andy, Audrey and Gracie.

Mama got Audrey this special birthday hat and bib and made her wear it while she ate her cake.

I got a piece too, but I wasn't interested in eating it. I just wanted to get out in the yard and get dirty.

I think this was Audrey's second piece.
Buster and Gracie had fun playing on the double swing. They were going so high, it had the whole playset shaking. Mama doesn't like that swing too much and was waiting for someone to fall off.
Mama took off my clothes because I was getting too messy in the yard. So instead I ate a ton of watermelon and rolled in the dirt.

Check out the dirt on these faces.

Best friends. I think they were wrestling over who got the beer. Lucky for mama and papa, Miss Becky let us all take baths at their house so we could go home clean. Thanks for inviting us to celebrate Audrey's big day!

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