Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Rejuvenated- June.

I'm glad to say I'm feeling much better and decided to give everyone a break on Saturday night. After a full night of uninterrupted sleep, we all awoke refreshed and surprised at how much we liked each other. I am virtually illness-free, with the exception of a runny nose, which is driving me crazy. Any time it runs I wipe it away with my fingers, usually on my cheek. You'd be surprised at how much dirt and lint these cheeks can accumulate with a fine layer of snot.
Today, papa and I had some fun together.

Whenever he's standing around and looking like he needs some fun, I shimmy up backwards to his legs and yell until he throws me in the air.

You can tell I really like this.

Blurry Buggy.

Henry was worried I might kick the lights.

Here's a video of the action. Despite the fact that I refuse to say anything on camera, I really am starting to progress in talking. I'm mimicking sounds more now, and Aunt Jenni heard me say "Bummer" today on the phone. (A truly appropriate response to a broken Scuncii steamer.)

Despite the fact that I'm still not talking, I am busy preparing for my future role as big sister. Apparently, I have made it my duty to take care of all the babies at the gym. Today, there was one little baby sitting in its car seat. It kept throwing its blanket on the floor. Every time this happened, I would run to it, pick up the blanket and wrap it gently back around the baby.

Henry has been enjoying his extra play time after I go down for my nap in the afternoons. Since I still sleep 3+ hours every afternoon, mama lets him stay up until 2 before he goes down for his nap/quiet time. We're not really sure if he's sleeping 100% of the time, but at least when he goes down at 2, mama has most of her chores done around the house (which includes checking her celebrity fashion blogs) and can also go straight down for a nap of her own, ensuring she'll at least get an hour in before he comes downstairs. We're not sure if he's sleeping because we've recently banned the daytime use of monitors. Mama realized she'd just lay on the couch fuming that she could still hear Henry awake in his room and it usually resulted in lost tempers when Henry snuck back downstairs. This new system is really working much better for everyone.

Anyhoo, today during Henry's quiet playtime, he was playing with my Little People fair set. Mama overheard him pretending and caught some of it on video. In this story, the car (of course, no people were involved) was at the top of the roller coaster, but was afraid to go down. But his mama told him he had to because "you're my son." (I can see the therapy sessions now). In the end, the car did come down and ultimately thanked his mother (phew). The best part is that Henry is using his pretend voice for the voices. This voice is also featured when mama pretends to make babies talk and in pretty much every other impression she does. We think it's pretty funny.

1 comment:

Mr. Anthony said...

I would have to apologize because I think it is I who started June on the idea of being thrown in the air the like an acrobat. I don't know, though. I think she might have a career in the circus. haha

Love you all
Mr. Anthony