Thursday, February 18, 2010

For Aunt Jenni.

There's one reason we really love the Olympics- Bob Costas. The greatest sportscaster. EVER. Even if NBC keeps him tucked in their pocket, only to be brought out for Sunday Night Football and two glorious weeks every other year.

Aunt Jenni has been nursing a sore back (stop overdoing it, Aunt Jenni) and was feeling pretty low tonight. Even seeing Shaun White completely dominate the half-pipe wasn't enough to pull her out of her blues. To make her feel better we scoured the interwebs with the perfect remedy. Though we couldn't find any pictures of Bob drinking Elsinore beer, we did find this:
Why wouldn't the Coss be riding a stuffed moose on the Colbert Report? And who said nothing was accomplished by staying up until 12:30 am watching the Olympics? We hope this helps you feel better, Aunt Jenni.

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