Friday, March 12, 2010

Papa's pictures- June.

We got home form the zoo so late on Sunday, there was no time to take naps. So we zoned out in front of some Dora for a half hour, then headed back outside.
Here I am on my new scooter. I love riding it! And I never fail to impress mama and papa because i already have more coordination than Henry.
Henry stuck to his too small tricycle. He also rides his bike a lot but the trike is easier to climb on and off of, plus he can really get it going fast around the corners.
Papa got the fancy lens out that always takes awesome pictures. And he got some great ones of us playing.
Mama thinks Henry's face is starting to get a little chunky, but he's still super skinny everywhere else. He's been growing up quickly, and she's had to put away some of his 3T pants. Even some 4Ts are starting to get snug on him. This is a miracle because you might remember that Henry didn't retire some 18 month pants until well after his 3rd birthday.
To show how big he was getting, Henry carried many large rocks over his head, exclaiming all the while: "Look how strong I am!"
I have become quite theatrical about everything lately. Everything is very pleasing or EXTREMELY upsetting.

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