Sunday, March 28, 2010

Posing- June.

Mama loves these jammies on me. They make my belly look even bigger than normal.
Mama lets us watch the video of the baby whenever we want. Any guesses on whether its a boy or girl?
Thursday night was a very special pancake night. Instead of syrup, we got to dip our pancakes in whipped cream. Big hit. Plus, mama didn't have to scrape syrup off the table.
Mama saw a little girl with two big braids and tried to replicate it on me. I wasn't so cooperative sitting still for my braid. Plus, my nose was runny, so my hair was gross from all the snot I'd rubbed in it.

I was in fine form after supper and spent some time posing for the camera.
Another favorite of mine.
Papa joined me on the floor for some cuddling and tickles.
We worked on my handwriting, but it has a long way to go.
Papa was helping before he was ambushed.

And prepared to be ambushed yourself- by extreme cuteness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am all sloppy from all the cuteness!
Love, Aunt Molly
P.S. Thank you for the thank you card - I am glad you love the little people!