Monday, March 15, 2010

You look like a starfish- June.

We had a great weekend. Although it rained most of the time, we spent all last week looking forward to our next guest- Mister Paul! Henry seriously loves Mister Paul and couldn't wait for him to get here. Unfortunately, he didn't come until late Friday night and Henry insisted that Mister Paul come in and wake him up to tell him he got there.

We spent most of Saturday showing off and garnering attention. We went to see a Clemson baseball game and during the game we noticed that Henry was starting to act funny. Sure enough, he had a low fever, so we went home and put him straight down for a nap with some medicine. The medicine did the job and he felt good that evening, but after we went to bed, the fever went back up again and he had a restless night. He woke up multiple times and every time insisted that Mister Paul come tuck him back in his bed.
Luckily, by Sunday Henry was feeling better. Plus, spending an entire day in your jammies would make anyone feel good. We spent the whole day bumming around the house and trying to get some things clean. Mama got everything swept except the toy room, which was a complete disaster. She said in passing to Henry that they'd need to start cleaning it up soon. 20 minutes later, she was so surprised to walk in a find that everything had been put away. Quite an accomplishment for the boy who generally argues that someone needs to help him because one room is too much to clean by himself. Mama was so pleased that we got macaroni and cheese for supper (we'd been begging for weeks), and Henry even got a bowl of ice cream.

Today was a beautiful 65 degree sunny day. We ate lunch and supper outside and mama was even in such a good mood that she asked our friends James and Andy to come down and play with us for a half hour while their mom made their supper. She was going to take pictures of everyone running around the house, but Matt and Mason came over and 6 kids was too many to leave outside to go get a camera.
After supper, everyone got the bug to do a little yard work. Mama pulled weeds between the bricks on the patio and blew leaves out of the backyard. She mentioned that she wanted to plant something in the rock beds and for the first time, Henry took her up on the offer of performing chores for money. He got a good portion of rocks out of the bed and earned one dollar. She told him he could earn another dollar if he kept working on it tomorrow. He had fun because he used his shovel to load up the cart.
While they worked on the low part of the back yard, papa and I were working on the high part. Papa was digging up the new garden plot and working in all the compost that mama was been accumulating all winter.
It was my job to pick up all the rocks and put them in a coffee can.
Needless to say, I got a bath after we went inside. Mama would also like to point out that I was wearing a sweatshirt, but took it off when I was collecting sticks and wouldn't put it back on. I didn't seem to mind only wearing a tank top.

People have started requesting a picture of mama's belly. At 19 weeks, she's finally popped. After 17 weeks of no appetite and an upset stomach every time she ate something, she's finally got her hunger back, and in a big way. She lost 7 pounds in the first trimester and a few people even told her that she was really looking thin (they didn't know she was pregnant). But in the last two weeks, she gone from thinner to what papa referred to tonight and "round all over." Then he said she was shaped like a starfish- round in the middle and pointy on the ends. Thanks, papa. And now that she's starting to gain weight, mama says she should probably start eating a little healthier. Before, she ate pretty much anything that sounded good because hardly anything ever did sound good. Hardly anything besides hamburgers and french fries. Especially late at night. Good for her that today the spring must have awoken in her a hunger for fresh summer veggies because we did eat big salads for supper instead of the Long John Silver's that she had last night (which was delicious).


MegC said...

Becky, You are sooo beautiful. :) Thank You for sharing the picture. I'm excited about your upcoming arrival (baby). Lil is working on her first two teeth this week. If they pop out far enough, I'll snap a picture and send it. We've been waiting for 5 months now!!! :)
Love, Meg

Jillian said...

Looking great Becky!!!! :-)