Sunday, April 18, 2010

Around the house- Henry.

Here's a sampling of what we did this week.
June upped the cute with those little pigtails. The big thing in our house these days is the Sesame Street CD player and book that Unkie Adam and Aunt Kate sent June for her birthday. It has started a whole new trend of playing "DJ." Whether it's this book, the baby exersaucer (that has to this day remained a favorite toy in our house), the clock radio, or papa's I-pod, I love demanding that people make requests for songs and I play them. When I'm at school, June is especially happy to get her own turn on the CD player. We really love this book because mama will request something like "a song on the page that has elmo as a sailor." then i have to find the page int he book and figure out which CD and track number is the right song. That's educational, right?
We had a blast while mama was gone in DC. There was lots of mac and cheese and we got to go to the park every day. (And mama wants it publicly known that the house was SPOTLESS when she got home. Well done, papa.)
On Monday, we picked dandelions and blew the seeds everywhere.
Until "June the Onery" challenged me to a duel.
She fought bravely.

But I closed my eyes and swung blindly...
...and unarmed by foe. She surrendered before I ran her through.

We go to almost all Clemson baseball home games. We sit in the stands for an inning, then run around in the plaza while papa watched the game from the 3rd base side. June loves to see the Tiger and yells "Hi 'Iger!" until he comes to see us. When he gets close, she freaks out and refuses to look at him. I didn't have any reservations about getting my picture with the Tiger.

(Note from mama: Come on, Clemson, you're known for you're awesome school spirit, but you're mascot is named "Tiger" and walks around in this creepy uniform? He should be named something awesome like "Tommy Tiger"(after founder Thomas Clemson) and have an awesome oversized head. Google "Bernie Brewer" for inspiration. Just saying...)
Mama's been trying to get some work done in the yard and June is getting better at entertaining herself instead of just running straight for the street. She loves holding batting practice with our tee and baseball equipment.
Our garden is actually coming along. There's our broccoli on the right and the start of our peas on the left. This was taken on Thursday and by Sunday, our peas were as high as the broccoli. Here's a question for you master gardeners out there. Do we need to put some kind of trellis or support up for the peas to climb?
On Thursday, mama planted peppers...
...three different kinds of tomatoes and a new strawberry plant to replace the two we killed. We don't think we watered it enough. Luckily, we haven't killed much more, though the seeds we planted int he herb garden have not been very successful. The cilantro is starting to come up, and maybe the rosemary too. She planted a new basil plant and has satisfied herself with waiting until we go to Ohio to steal shoots off of Grandma Seibert's and Aunt Jenni's herbs.

We also planted a raspberry bush in the yard and some flowers in planters that I immediately claimed for my playground lookout. It's my job to carry water to them every day.

Her Aunt Jenni, this plant came up in the garden and in the compost pile. We don't want to pull it in case it actually is a veggie. Please let us know if it is a weed.
When June got done playing baseball, she grabbed a trowel and started digging in the garden. She was having fun until mama tried to stop her from digging up the strawberry plant. And she was mad. then she saw mama soaking the compost-able pots the plants came in and proceeded to throw all the other plants in the bucket. She was mad when mama stopped her then, too. To top it all off, she was filthy when it was over and mama stripped her down int he back yard and hosed her off. One. Mad. Buggy.
She felt better when mama took her inside and got her dressed. She spent the rest of the morning playing with her alphabet puzzle book.
I don't think mama ever showed off the dino t-shirt she made for Junie's birthday party. She's very pleased at how well it turned out.
Once Junie caught wind mama wanted her to pose, she turned on the charm.
Oh boy. This kid is doomed to some awkward teenage years. Mama swears there are identical pictures of her at this age. Don't worry, little sister, maybe your permanent teeth won't be so round.

Finally, here's a video to round out the week. Everything June says revolves around counting. You can hear her try to count to ten if you can really concentrate over me yelling and Buggie shoveling corn into her mouth. (Side note, how can that many ribs stick out in the back with a belly so big int he front?)


MegC said...

In my experience if you want an easier time picking your peas, you will want to provide them something to climb on. If you do not, they will latch on to anything remotely close. They are natural born climbers. We Crites' just use gardening string tied between doll rods in 3 or 4 rows. When I was young and ambitious, I also tied a vertical string to each plant. If you want more details, I'll gladly draw you a diagram and email it. :)
Love, Meg

MegC said... the way, I forgot to ask, where did you find that dino pattern. That would make a cute T for my Lilly. :)