Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day- Henry.

We're taking a break from our normal blogging in observance of today's holiday.

To commemorate Memorial Day, we wanted to honor our favorite veteran in a way he would appreciate. So PawPaw, in your honor...
...mama vacuumed out the van.
That is some dirt-free interior. Mama also spent the day painting Gram's Adirondack chair yellow. Mama's figured out that a sure fire way to get out of watching her own kids is to do work for Grams. And things are actually kind of nice when you're sitting in a garage painting a chair and drinking a cold O'Douls. No wonder papa always starts mowing the lawn at 7:30 pm. (And in case you're wondering, just like every other national holiday, papa worked today. What is it with you academics? Why must you always schedule conferences or workdays on days that are recognized with cookouts?)

Here's one last gift for you, Pawps. You may have already seen this video as it is all over the interwebs, but mama and papa think it is pretty funny. We all know that the creators were thinking of mama and papa when they wrote this song. I bet you all wish you were driving a Sienna right now too.

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