Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blueberry picking with Grandma!- Henry.

We were so excited when Grandma Seibert decided to come down to see us for a long weekend. She and Aunt Linda decided to drive down to Charlotte to see our cousins Andy and Miss Christina. We hope that since they have a new baby coming, Grandma and Aunt Linda make the trip more often.

We picked Grandma up on Friday night and brought her back down here to show her what we Southerners do in the summer.

It was supposed to be cool on Saturday, so we decided to head out to the blueberry farm. Our neighbors had the same idea and we got to see our friends James and Andy!
Andy and I had a great time riding the bear.
The blackberries were just getting ripe and the blueberries were literally "dripping from the bushes," as the farmer told us.
Of course, I was a big help and filled up my tupperware with the biggest berries I could find. And when the sun started getting too hot for Grandma, I found the best spot so she and mama could sit under the blueberry bushes and pick. Really, all you had to do was give a branch a shake and they'd fall right into your bowl. By the time we finished, we'd picked over 12 pounds of berries.

June was not interested in picking. She was mad that the blackberries were on the side of a hill and didn't like all the condensation on the grass. Plus, we think her ankle was still bothering her. So she ended up leaving with Papa because we realized we hadn't brought any money and they had to go find a cash machine.

We ended up calling the doctor about June's ankle. They told us that it would take a long time for a sprain to heal because kids tend not to take it easy. They did tell us to start giving her some ibuprofen and try to ice her ankle. We've been doing it for a week and it's starting to get better. Do bad June dropped a bottle of applesauce on her same foot and now has a big bruise to cover up the swelling.
It must have been very axhausting for June because while we were eating lunch, June fell asleep on the couch. Never has this happened to a Turner kid. June is seriously the laxiest kid of all time.
After naps, we went for a swim down at James and Andy's house. June insisted on being wrapped like a burrito in her Dora towel.
On our way home, we came across the biggest bug ever.
Seriously, what is this thing?


Anonymous said...

HI, I am Jenni's friend in WI!

Its a Cicada Nymph. It will crawl up a tree, hatch out of its outer shell and make that lovely summer noise.

(sorry i am a blog stalker :)

Henry and June said...

It's so much bigger than any cicada we've ever seen before. Plus, I thought they all came out at the same time! We lived through Brood X in Southern Ohio in 2004 and will never be the same.

(And don't worry, we check your blog too!)
