Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bunk beds- Henry.

Big news in the Turner house! After months of watching Craigslist, mama finally scored us some bunkbeds that were under $100 and within an hour of our house.
For only $50, we got this very sturdy bunk bed. Granted, it looks like it was built for a college dorm room, was moved to a fraternity house, then thrown off a roof while it was on fire. But it is very sturdy and perfect for a bunch of kids who will probably trash it anyway.
It came with boards to put under the mattresses, but we had some plywood cut to put over the boards, just to fortify it. And papa drilled some new holes to move the rail up a few inches. I've already moved into the top bunk. It's awesome. June is really excited to sleep in the bottom bunk, but we haven't gotten her a mattress yet. And frankly, mama isn't really that excited about June moving out of her crib. We'd like to keep her in there as long as we can.

Mama and papa didn't just buy the bunk beds for us to share. They also bought them so eventually the new baby can sleep in the crib. And that leads to their really ambitious master plan- to put all three kids in one room.

It's all very complex. We have two bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs. Mama refuses to sleep downstairs for fear that zombies and serial killers might get here through the ground floor windows. I'm the next logical choice, but I refuse to sleep without June. And there's no way they'll let June roam the downstairs alone.

So until it becomes very clear that this is a bad idea, mama and papa are going to try and get us all into one room. Frankly, I think this has more to do with papa not wanting to give up his office and mama not wanting to give up her craft room/guest bedroom.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

I love that idea. It's like at Tony's undergraduate school. They had a bunk room, where the only thing you did was sleep, and then other rooms for living and playing. Maybe you and Brandon should move in there too, and then you could use your bedroom for a super-awesome video game arcade. Or how about a two-lane bowling alley?!