Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Grumpy Gertie.

Okay, bloggers. We didn't want to say it, but this is getting out of hand.
Check out that countdown on the sidebar. 8 days to go. And if know mama, things are getting pretty desperate over here. She likes being pregnant and generally enjoys having kids, but pretty much ANYTHING puts her in a bad mood these days.

Today, we haven't helped much, because Henry used his chair to grind fresh blueberries into the grout in the kitchen and June demolished many huge piles of freshly fold laundry in a jumping contest. Add on to that the fact that air conditioning set at 74 degrees is still too hot, and you've got a major Grumpie Gertie on your hands.

Here's where you come in. Why hasn't anyone updated their blogs??!?!?!?!?! For some of you, it's been weeks. Others- months. this is simply unacceptable. Since we're still trying to catch up, mama has agreed not to immediately stop posting. But she does have the following threat:

Unless she sees some action out on the blogosphere, we're not telling anyone when we have our baby. We don't want to ruin this for everyone, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

So it's up to you. We've seen your kids. They're adorable! They say the darndest things! Please post something! Otherwise, you might get a grumpy mama on your doorstep, and unless you've got a frozen coke to fend her off, may God have mercy on your soul.


Leah said...

I want to know why Olivia's blog isn't in the links on your sidebar??

Henry and June said...

Cause it's password protected. I didn't know if you wanted me to post it or not.

And you're also off the hook because you've updated in the past week!