Monday, August 23, 2010

The last day at the hospital- Georgie.

There was another way that the Anderson hospital was different from Madison's. On Thursday night, mama had just finished nursing me for an hour and a half straight. And I was still hungry. Mama wasn't really into this, so she asked the nurse if she could give me an ounce of formula so I would settle down. Red alert! The nurse and the lactation consultant both assured mama that if she gave me formula, it would guarantee that I'd never nurse again. Mama said thanks for the advice and please go get the bottle.
Oh, that's the good stuff. A quarter ounce did the trick. And later, the nurse told mama that they gave me another half ounce in the nursery. I guess they'd already given up on mama.
Over the next two days, I got a bottle every night before bed. I sucked it down straight and was super happy. And you'll be glad to know that mama is still nursing me, despite everything the lactation consult told her.
On Friday morning, mama said we were leaving the nice, quiet hospital and headed home. WHAAAT? The kids there are crazy! NOOOO!
But the insurance company said we could stay, so mama and papa restrained me so I couldn't run away.
All ready to go.
When we got home, June delighted everyone by calling me "Baby Georgie" and not "Christopher." Sounds like they may accept me after all.
Henry was very proud to hold me.
How sweet.

Apparently, he thinks babies are the same as kittens.
What a great big brother! He's always trying to make sure I'm happy. When I'm not being held, which is a rare moment, he wants to make sure I'm in the swing or bouncy seat. And he is in charge of turning it on. And mama has also noticed that all of the boxes of diapers she's stocked up have been moved from under the bed upstairs to beside our changing station downstairs.
And he takes almost as many pictures as mama.
So far things are going pretty well. Henry, obviously, loves me. June has had a few bad moments, but she doesn't really seems to know that it's my arrival that seems to be messing everything. Luckily, she seems to be catching up on sleep and her mood is improving. Papa is trying to juggle being with us and keeping up with classes. Mama is feeling great. She wants to publicly thank our friend, Miss Page, who recommended Cramp Bark to mama to help out with postpartum pain. We had to search across the Upstate to find it, but she got some and it's amazing! Thanks for the advice, Miss Page.


Leah said...

Henry is right. Babies actually do sound like kittens. Oh, and Olivia has nursed every since night one...despite the fact that she sucks down formula regularly too. Thanks Miss Becky for the advice! That Georgie sure has some skinny long legs! Olivia says she can't wait to meet her new buddy!

Juliet said...

Everyone looks so great! I'm glad the transition has started smoothly!