Monday, August 30, 2010

Lots of Georgie- Mama.

I was taking a nap with Georgie on the couch when Henry wanted to take videos. (17 minute videos, to be exact.) He must have an eye for good light, because I got these shots.
Georgiana's really gotten pretty. She's not so splotchy anymore and she's filling out nicely. And the baby acne hasn't set in yet.
We'd brag about how she's slept 6 hours straight a few nights in a row, except that after those 6 hours, she wants to get up, even if it's only 5am. Grr.

Georgie's a super nurser. Tons better than Henry and June. Third time is a charm. But she's much needier kid than the other. She constantly needs held (hurry up and get here, Aunt Jenni!), doesn't like her nuk (though she's getting better), and does not care to be swaddled. Unfortunately, for baby George, she still gets swaddled at night and has to deal with having her nuk shoved in her mouth when she tries to get up to have fun at 4am.
We took so many good pictures, Georgie started to wake up. And the waking up pictures ended up my favorite.
"Ugh. The camera- AGAIN? Is that thing stuck to your face? And now you have Henry taking video coverage?"
I think this one might go on the baby announcement, I like it so much.
Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?
Poor kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ship her up to Ohio and I will hold that little baby girl all day long!
Glad she is doing so well.