Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our new baby- June.

Oh man, we really had you going there! We didn't have our baby, but we did get a baby in the house today. Miss Juliet called and asked if Henry could go to a place called GattiTown. No, it's not a mob-sanctioned restaurant- it's a place in Greenville like Chucky Cheese. Actually, Miss Juliet offered to take me too, but mama thought that would be too much to have four kids with two adults in a crazy place like that.
Instead, we made a deal- take Henry and leave Christopher. He was a little nervous at first and not very happy when his mom walked out the door.

After a nice long nap, we made a terrible decision and let papa go upstairs to get him up. Bad idea. We forgot that Christopher does not like beards. Especially papa's. After that shock, he and mama had to share some good cuddling. And I helped calm him down by rubbing his back and singing him all of the songs I know.
After a big supper, Christopher was feeling much better.
He sat with mama and chewed on our toys and eventually warmed up to everyone.
While he played with toys, mama got to take a ton of pictures of him. And she started feeling much better about the hopes of someday having a new baby in the house. We sure like babies.

Even papa got a few laughs out of Christopher, after Christopher decided the beard was safe.
Check out those 3 new teeth!

Thanks again to Miss Juliet and Mister Tony for taking Henry. And anytime you want to trade again, let us know!

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Oh my gosh! You totally had me going!!!
Those are GREAT pictures of Christopher. Please send me big copies and I will print them out!
I'm glad it was a win-win for everyone! John and Henry had so much fun. Did Henry tell you he beat me TWICE at air hockey? BTW, he's now totally spoiled for those places. We didn't play any real video games, just all the rides (and the carousel 3 times) and ball games. We also don't do the claw games on the principle that they are impossible to win (for us) and are a sad waste of money. We don't have John convinced of that, but at least he doesn't ask anymore...
Thanks again for taking Christopher, it was good for all of us!