Saturday, August 21, 2010


On Wednesday night, we got a call from mama and papa. Mama told Henry that our baby was a girl. When Henry asked "How do you know?", she told him it was because the baby was out and her name was Georgiana. Henry was so pumped that he spent the evening running around the house yelling "She's here! She's a girl! She's here! She's a girl." Grams asked how I felt about it and I just yelled "No baby!"

That night, papa came home to take a shower and see us. He told us that mama calls Georgiana "Georgie" and he calls her "George." Henry thought about it and decided he would call her "Christopher." (Our favorite neighborhood baby, remember.) I perked up a lot at this idea and spent the rest of my time in bed repeating "Baby Ris-so-fer."
On Thursday morning, Grams and PawPaw made us take baths so we could go meet our little sister. We stopped to get mama and Georgie a bouquet and the florist gave Henry and I our own flowers to take our new baby. I think she likes them.
Despite my previous protests, I couldn't resist the allure of a sweet little baby.
Henry was anxious to get her hands on her. After a brief lecture on "Why you don't shake your 15 hour old sister to try and wake her up," mama let us get our hands on her.
Henry was very taken with her. I still insisted on calling her "Christopher."

For the moment, PawPaw granddaughters outnumber grandsons 3 to 1. (9 more days, Aunt Kate!) He seems to like the newest one.
Grams was very pleased that she finally got to meet this baby after spending 10 days on baby watch at our house.
Mama made us these shirts for the big day. It seems like one hundred years ago when she rushed to get them done before her due date.
Henry has one too. After we roughed up Georgie sufficiently, we noticed mama's lunch had arrived spent a while mooching fruit and apple pie.

We sang "Happy Birthday" and as mama ended the video, Henry remembered that he found a stash of presents last week that were supposed to be from the new baby. He knew there was a new truck in there. He also got a real pair of big kid scissors and a Dick and Jane book. He's already read the first 23 pages on his own. I got 4 new horsies that I LOVE! Thanks, George!
We got Georgie a "monkey George" of her own.
It took a lot of convincing that this wasn't the same George that currently resides in my bed and that we should let Georgie keep it.
After about an hour of us jumping, yelling and "accidentally" calling the nurses on the remote control bed, mama decided it would be best if we watched a little tv while we waited for papa to take us out to lunch. (Did we mention he taught classes on Thursday? That deserves a raise, Clemson.)
henry thought the old Tom and Jerry cartoons that PawPaw loves are almost as funny as his new favorite- Road Runner cartoons.
For the most part, mama was happy to see us, though she couldn't get us to sit still for more than 2 seconds. After everyone left, she was glad to take a long nap.
Georgie relished her new treasures, which also included these cute deer jammies because Grams can't stand the thought of a little girl stuck wearing green and yellow gender neutral clothes. The hat was mine, but I let her borrow it because football season does start in a few weeks and Georgie wants everyone to know that she is definitely a Bengals fan.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Tony said that by the time he visited, the kids had already come around to calling her "George." Am I too late to be the first to say "What up, G?"