Monday, September 27, 2010

Glamour shots- Georgie.

Mama found a few more outfits from the "Becky collection" that she wanted to put me in before it was too late.
This is the baptism gown Grandma made mama when she was a baby. Mama was baptized when she was only 10 days old, so she wanted to stuff me in it while I was still small enough.
The arm holes are actually so small that Grandma ripped part of the seam so June could put it on when she was a baby. After this little photo shoot, mama sewed the seams back up. I guess this means she's not saving the dress for any more fat-armed little girls.
There's someone up there, isn't there? Don't let him jump on me!
We finally got a real smile on camera! I had a huge dirty diaper while mama was taking pictures and she was terrified of what yellow baby poop might do to a white 29 year old dress, so I had a quick change. Maybe it's easy to catch a smile on the changing table because I do not like having a dirty diaper and love getting changed into a nice, dry diaper.
Next outfit- mama's tiny little white stork sleeper. But by this point, I was tired and didn't want my picture taken.
Mama had a heck of a time finding this sleeper. She had it out before I was born, but then it got misplaced.
She searched the whole house and finally found it in a bin of Henry's old clothes she put in the attic. She was so happy she found it that I've worn it twice this week.
Don't I look sweet? But don't be fooled. I don't like to sleep on my own without being touched.
The only way mama can get me to take a nap on my own is to wrap me up in my fancy swaddling blanket (it even has built in arm restraints!) as tight as she can get me. This can normally buy her around 5 minutes before I wake up and demand to be held. But on Saturday afternoon, I did sleep for almost 4 hours. Alleluia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are part of a group of special little ladies. Those beautiful Turner girls!!