Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Month Day!- George.

Yesterday, I was one month old!
I am so alert! It's getting hard for mama and papa to get me to sleep during the day. Unless I'm being held of course.
Mama continues to think I have a very pleasant disposition, despite the fact that I may be the fussiest of her 3 babies. She is continually reminded of a line from Prode and Prejudice where Mrs. Gardiner observes of Mr. Darcy: "There's something very pleasant about his mouth when he speaks." Coincidentally, Mr. Darcy's little sister is named Georgiana- a fact that did not escape mama when she was naming me.
Mama was dismayed to realize that a whole month has gone by and she hasn't dressed me up in any "Vintage Becky."
This was the dress mama came home from the hospital in. It was probably a little longer on mama as a newborn. June had her turn in this dress too.
Here's the wonderful blessed 4th nuk that I finally decided to take.

Even though it's hard to get a "touch-free" nap from me during the day, my night time sleep is great!
I consistently sleep from 4-7 hours at a time. Mama thinks this may having something to do with the fact that I continue to nurse at least 3 or 4 times between 8 and midnight.

Hey mama, when you're going to take an artsy photo, remember to clean out under the couch.

During mama's insomnia spells this summer, she made a bunch of initial t-shirts for all the new babies she knows. Here's my "G." Did we ever tell you that I would have been named George if I was a boy? That's why the "G" shirt was made well in advance.

Mama heard that some of the other kids liked their shirts so much that they immediately had huge diaper blowout. I decided to follow that trend.
Whoa! Why didn't anyone tell me my head was so big? But I am putting in the effort to catch the rest of my body up. Check out those thigh rolls! They weren't there a month ago!
After my photo shoot, I slept for a while until Henry saw that I was awake. His first concern was to cover my legs so i wouldn't get cold. (I was only 94 degrees outside today.) His next concern was to determine my preference. First, he presented me with 3 empty medicine cups. He said they were filled with water, milk, and juice. I picked milk. Next, he wanted to know which mode of transportation I liked best.
It's too hard to choose!

Looks like he's done this before. Remember when June was a baby? Blech, we forgot about that gross rash he had. Check out how much dark hair June had! Mama might have to set up a comparison of all of us at 1 month.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Georgie!

Grams and PawPaw

Anonymous said...

What happened to all the toys in the toy room?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Georgie.
You are sooo beautiful to us!
We want everyone at your house to give you a hug and kiss for us. We guarantee manymany more for you when we see you.
We are in love with you!!