It's been a quiet week in Clemson, my hometown. I discovered that I have a cry and if I use it, things get done a little quicker. Mama thinks that tonight I've cried more than I have in the previous two weeks combined. Mind you- it still isn't much. But I like knowing my voice is there in case I need it.
Before she left, Grandpa reconstructed the top of June's precious. She's actually worn it so much that she wore through the lining material that made up the top. Luckily, Grandma fixed up a new one and this one doesn't hang down to her belly button. Thanks, Grandma!
With Grandma and Grandpa gone, we were left to fend for ourselves. Mama was pretty overwhelmed at the beginning of the week. June was constantly in what mama calls "a mood" and had to be touched almost as much as I require touching (100% of the time!). But papa stayed home on Monday and came home early a lot to help out. And our wonderful neighbor, Miss Juliet, kept an open invitation for Henry to come down to her house to play (which we accepted a few times). Little by little, mama got her confidence back. By Tuesday, she ventured out alone with the three of us kids to take a walk around the botanical gardens. On Wednesday, she took June and I to June's new school for an orientation morning. June loved it and we had to drag her out screaming when it was over.
Henry has been a model of good behavior. Did someone bribe him from Ohio? Did GG Grandma somehow telepathically send her pinching down to coerce him into being quiet and helpful? He's spent a good portion of his week at his desk, cutting out pictures of cars.
And he's still excited to go play baseball with papa. He's getting so good that he drilled a line drive into papa's foot and left a bruise-with a wiffle ball. Watch out, Joey Votto.
Junie thinks maybe she'll like me after all. Her main goals with me are tickling my fingers and toes and covering my feet with a blanket at all times. We still haven't found a pair of socks that will stay on my gangly feet. I guess we'll just have to wait for them to fill out a little.
Today in the car, June rode the entire drive home singing "I love you, baby" over and over. I think she was singing it to me and not about some boy she met at school.
Thanks for my pretty new dress, Miss Megan! June names the buttons "Mama, Papa, and Henry." Don't ask me why, but she's points them out often. Then giggles "My cupcake!"
The brown couch has become mama's favorite backdrop for more sleeping pictures of me. On Wednesday, we all went to the Picnic in the Park put on by Clemson. It was HOT and she laid me down on a blanket under a tree while she played with Henry and June on the playground that was radiating 150 degrees of sweat. I've never slept so well. Looks like mama finally figured out that not everyone likes it at 65 degrees below zero like her. She's debating about whether to turn up the heat or just dress me in some of Henry's newborn fleece and corduroy.
Henry continues to love on me. He found mama's pump and is now obsessed with the idea of her pumping some milk and feeding me a bottle.
Papa left for his annual Political Science conference that is always held over Labor Day weekend- ruining any plans for the families of attendees. (Boo, APSA!) But even in his absence, we had a surprisingly productive day. We went to a mom's playgroup with the local mom's club. (Did we mention they're bringing us 3 meals a week for the next month?! Mama's fall goal is to get more involved with this amazing group of women who are spending their time cooking for a stranger!) After the playgroup, we braved the grocery store. I rode in the sling, June rode in the cart and Henry pushed. It all went really well, though we got a lot of looks and "You really have your hands full!" comments. Mama told Henry if he was a big help today, he could get a special treat for everyone. He picked ice cream bars. A-wee-shush!
When will they learn that June eats her treats way to slow to every get her ice cream on a stick or in a cone? This got pretty messy before mama moved the bar to a bowl and gave her a spoon. She is just like GG Parsons. No Seibert has ever let an ice cream cone melt before inhaling it.
All in all, it's been a good week on our own. School starts back up next week. Henry's going 5 days a week and June starts a 2 morning a week program. They are both pumped. And I've decided to take it easy on mama and sit on my own in the bouncy seat for a few minutes at a time without crying. It sure makes things easier for her knowing she can put me down every once in a while without worrying about me crying. Too bad for her Aunt Jenni is coming this weekend and plans on cuddling me non-stop!
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