Sunday, September 12, 2010

To round out the weekend- mama.

We stole a few pictures from the Taller blog that really capture the essence of the weekend. So you might recognize some of them if you ever check out their posts.
This ranks up there with the picture we got from Henry's bible school with Henry's hand down his pants in the class shot.

On Sunday morning, we banished the three oldest kids outside because they decided to form a band. It went well until performance time when everyone wanted to be the star. To distract them, everyone got to take a turn feeding the baby a bottle. Henry has been dying to do this since he found the breast pump in the closet. I have a feeling it has more to do with operating heavy equipment then nurturing his little sister.
Evie took a turn.
Annalise loved feeding the baby.
Even June tried, though she wasn't allowed to hold her.
When the kids really got loud, Uncle Jim, the hero, took the four noisy ones to the park on his own. You're the best!
These kids are crazy!
Thanks for driving all the way down to spend the weekend, Tallers!
On Sunday afternoon, we got a visit from my cousins Andy and Christina. They are expecting a baby early next year and got a rude awakening from these 5 kids.
Don't worry, Miss Christina, yours will start out as a cute, cuddly baby before it turns into a crazy 4 year old.

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