Friday, October 22, 2010

Back at Great Grandma's-June.

Ugh. We are so far behind. Mama has firmly resolved to stop doing so much fun stuff and to stop taking so many pictures. So the world will never see that yesterday we went to a fall festival at the Montessori school and I got to ride a full size horse. I loved it! Picture it in your mind.
Back to last week. Papa still had to work, so he and Henry drove back home and left the girls in Ohio. We went back over to Great Grandma Wagner's house for the morning. She sang songs with me.
We got a nice picture of 5 generations of Wagner women.
I showed off my baby holding skills.
When she wasn't cuddling babies, Great Grandma took mama up to the attic of her house. They found a of drawings from a commercial design class Great Grandma took in the fifties before she had kids and when her kids were little. Mama got to pick out some drawings. Wagner cousins, be sure to ask Grandma about them at Christmas. We pulled out a bunch of great old fifties designs that she drew for everyone to have.
Aunt Mary Ellen and two of the Taller girls came over for a visit too.
We were so excited that Aunt Jenni drove up from Indy to see us right after she got back from her two week trip to Oktoberfest and Paris.
Two Georgianas.
Grandma told us stories about being the oldest on a farm when she was little and about how she was in charge of picking big green tomato bugs off the 3 acres of tomatoes they planted when they moved to Assumption from South Dakota.
Aunt Jenni was too happy to trade germs with Juner. We hope you didn't get a cold, AJ!
Aunt Mary (soon to be Grandma Mary) was happy to see her newest great niece, even if she barfed all over her brand new shirt.
Back at Grandma and Grandpa's Annalise and I got to jump on the air mattress.
We love playing together. I do whatever Annalise says and stay out of her way when she's playing by herself. We had a great quiet morning.

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