Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The drive home- June.

To get to our cabin, we have to drive across the dam at Summersville Lake.
See those cars at the top of the dam? That's the road we take. We never thought to go down to the bottom to see how it looks from below.
Here's the view from up top. We love seeing the low river on one side and the full lake on the other side of the road. We especially like the signs that warn about the quickly rising river when the sirens sound.
We can't wait until we're all old enough to start renting boats to go out on the lake or maybe even brave the rapids.
Have we talked about Henry's new National Parks Passport book? You go to different national parks and collect the stamps? We got three stamps at the New River Gorge visitors center. That takes us up to 4 stamps. You can see the passport book in this picture as Henry takes a look at the Bridge. As soon as mama took this picture, he dropped the book off the edge.
Lucky for Henry, it was only about a 25 foot drop and papa was able to climb off the wooden walkway to the next lookout and retrieve it.
I'm pretty sure Henry is getting a stern talking to as papa made his was back onto the stairs. Thanks, papa!
Someone offered to take our picture, but we forgot to pay attention that we weren't standing in front of the bridge. This is definitely, the "We're all tired, dirty, and sweaty, you just dropped an irreplacable book off the edge of a cliff, June is whining and the baby is crying." shot. Sounds like the result of a good weekend. We went back up to the van and headed for home. The great part about the drive home was that the baby slept for 5 hours straight! We only stopped once and that was at CookOut (The best NC fast food joint ever!). We went through the drive through so as not to wake the baby. We got to watch "How to Train your Dragon" twice and eat hush puppies, so we were happy.
Before they dragged us back up the 150 steps to the parking lot, mama got one last shot of the bridge. Only 350 days left to psych herself up for the 3/4 mile walk across the underbelly. Gulp.


wirrek said...

You know that they are building a cookout in clemson, right? And I totally want to go to bridge day next year!

HenryParsons said...

I did some research and I don't think it's the same Cookout. But if it were, I'd be headed towards my goal of a 50 pound weight gain by the end of the year.

Leah said...

DC has lots of places to get park passport stamps. Just saying.