Sunday, October 31, 2010

Georgie- a month retrospective- mama.

Well, seeing as I'm so far behind (again), it's more like 6 weeks retrospective.
Here's Georgiana on her two month day. I've got to say, things certainly have improved now that we've made it two months.
How could you not love this smily kid? Here's a week by week breakdown:
5 weeks: Georgie starts looking around instead of staring cross-eyed randomly at things. Her eyes dart, but still don't focus too long on one thing.

6 weeks: She starts focusing on one thing for longer than a moment, like our faces!

7 weeks: George starts smiling in response to seeing someone.

8 weeks: This is the week we were at home in Ney. Thanks to Grandma Seibert, this is the week Georgie really started taking a nuk. We said at 4 weeks she could take a nuk. but that was only if she was really tired and we held it in there for 15 minutes first. Luckily, Grandma had the patience to keep offering Goergie her nuk and she started to get the hang of it. When we got to Marion, Dash let Georgie borrow one of his nuks and she sucked on it all night long. We were so excited that we instantly got on Amazon and order 5 of them. And now she doesn't like them. You've got some new orange nukies coming, Dashie-boy. The good news is that she is taking the first nuk we got her. (It only took 6 different kinds of nuks and over $40 to get here.)

9 weeks: This is when things start getting good. We came home from our long vacation and this girl REFUSED to be put down. Grandmas and aunts, you did your job spoiling Georgie. After a few days of constant fussing, George started giving us a few minutes here and there laying on the floor. Heaven! Then even better- she started napping on her own. In a bed, and for a couple hours at a time during June's afternoon nap! Hooray!

Week 10: Georgie seems to have discovered her hands. She likes to have them out (not covered up by sleeves) so she can hold them together and maybe even chew on them a little. She's also taken to holding on to our hands when she's being held, which is pretty nice.
We did some reminiscing and decided that Georgie has definitely been our most demanding child. Not that she's been terrible, but she has required much more attention than the other two. Henry was a very content baby,plus he was the first, so he got everything he wanted instantly. We don't even remember much about June being a baby- mostly because she was so easygoing, you could set her down for hours at a time and she'd never make a peep. Georgie doesn't like being in a car seat, doesn't like her swing, tolerates her bouncy seat and hates having a dirty diaper.
But we seem to have turned a corner. Now that she's on the nuk, she gives us a lot more time on the ground. She takes a great afternoon nap and (I hate to jinx this), she's slept 8-10 hours straight 4 nights this week. I think this directly related to the long afternoon naps. Sleeps begets sleep, as I always say, and Georgie is proof of that.

Finally, I feel like 10 weeks is old enough to declare that George has made it through the newborn stage with no baby acne or cradle cap. And that makes her the prettiest baby yet.

We visited the doctor for her 2 month checkup and here are her stats:
11 pounds 2 ounces- 50th percentile
23.5 inches long- 90th percentile!!!
15.25 inches head circumference- 35th percentile

Looks like we might have a tall kid after all.

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