Monday, October 25, 2010

Taste of Bridge Day- Mama.

If you've been with us for a while, you know the main reason for our West Virginia trip is to go to Bridge Day- the annual festival wear they shut down the New River Gorge Bridge so people can walk across it and the braver ones can jump off it.
But there's another tradition we're coming to love just as much- the Taste of Bridge Day event held the night before. All of the fancy restaurants bring in their best and we do our best to drown ourselves in delicious food. I personally had chocolate chipotle cheesecake, spicy ribs, an espresso mousse and the very best seafood chowder I've ever eaten. It was full of crab, scallops, and big mussel shells. I don't even like scallops and mussels and I almost went back for more.
Georgie was a little cold until we strapped her in the pouch and put an adult hat on her. I thought we packed hers, but we must have left it at the cabin.
For the most part, there aren't many kids at this event. So we found a deck looking over the gorge and tried to keep the kids out of everyone's way.

They did a good job keeping themselves happy. Papa and Uncle Adam took the kids home early to watch "How to Train your Dragon" while the rest of us got to stay and continue eating.

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