Thursday, December 18, 2008

A nice picture-Juner.

Mama got some grief because she didn't get any individual pictures of me when we got our family pictures taken last month. So she got her camera out today and tried to get a good picture of me to get printed.

Take a look at some of the good ones and leave a comment with your vote for the best. (Some need to be cropped of course.)



I was okay with having my picture taken until Henry turned on the ceiling fan.
Then mama took away my toy lamb and I got mad.Henry decided he wanted in on the picture.

By that time I was hungry and done with pictures.

This is supposed to be my vacation. Can't you just leave me alone?

We've really been enjoying ourselves at the Cooper Retreat Home. Yesterday, mama didn't get out of her jammies until almost 4pm. Henry never got dressed and just went back to bed wearing what he wore the night before. Today we were a bit more productive. Mama took her pictures and she, Henry and Grandma made the first 3 small batches of cookies. They made oatmeal raisin cookies, no bakes and mama's favorite coconut chocolate treasure bars (we think that the Cooper's call them rainbow bars). Henry was a big help with the cooking. He layered all the ingredients for the bars and measured out the sugar and oats. He was very good at keeping the sugar tidy, but got a bit messy with the oats. Luckily Jazzy was here to eat most of his mess off the floor. The cookies must have been a great success because they were all gone by this evening thanks to papa and Mister Anthony.

I cheered up when I got back to my natural state of eating. Mama didn't want me to get my new dress dirty, so I had to get stripped down to just my tights and shoes. It's a good look.

This afternoon, mama and Grams Crackers left us alone while they went down to C0lumbus to go shopping. They must have had fun because they didn't come back until way after my bedtime and brought our cousin Sadie back with them. Mama was also very encouraged about the trip to New Orleans because I went down for a nap and to bed after just a bottle and without her. Looks like I'm getting left behind.


Evie and Annalise Taller said...

Does Juner ever close her mouth or is she waiting for a cookie to fly in?

Poofleia said...

I like number 3~
And your kids are just SO darn cute!

I enjoy reading your blog to see what you're all up to.

I mean.... working very hard in my cube is rewarding....

take care!
and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

#3 and #6! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love all of them. They do tell a story...
See you Saturday!

Love you pea pies!!
Aunt Molly

Mike Griswold said...

3 or 7....hard to screw up though....

lesleymac said...

Hank & June,

I like #3 the best. Then #6 is really up there also.

It's nice sometimes to lounge all day in your jammies! Shhhh...I do it sometimes also! HeeHee

Merry Christmas,

The Bockey Clan said...

#3 & #5 I think. Mom makes me sit there for pictures every now and then too. Merry Christmas! Try not to eat too much wrapping paper, though I'm excited to taste it myself.
