Monday, December 22, 2008

Who dey?

This weekend mama and papa got a great Christmas present from Uncle Adam and Aunt Katie. They got tickets to the Bengals-Browns game in Cleveland.It was a great day for a game. It was 15 degrees with 35 mph wind gusts. Mama kept talking crazy about how she never really feels alive unless the temperature is under 20 degrees.

So she must have certainly felt alive at this game.
To keep warm, they took paper bags filled with newspapers to put their feet in. It worked until the bags got wet and ripped.

Despite the fact that they all kept their faces wrapped up, they all still came home with pretty good windburn.

In the end, even mama admitted that it was pretty cold and they were glad to get home to a warm house.

And even better, the Bengals actually won! 3-10-1 baby! Thanks for the awesome Christmas present Uncle Adam and Aunt Katie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

June in the Santa suit definitely gets my vote for next year's Christmas card!!!!!!