Friday, January 2, 2009

Playdate number 1- June.

To keep us busy, mama set up a series of playdates for us.
We got to meet our blog buddy Braeden for the first time. His papa and mama were also home visiting his Gradma and Grandpa. We had a great time playing together, especially after Grandpa realized Henry had too much energy for two little kids and took his out to the barn to move rocks with the backhoe and dump truck.

The playdate wasn't all fun as Braden was tortured with a haircut at the mercy of my Grandma. But he toughed it out and it now cleanly shorn.
After Braden recovered, these two nap deprived kids spent some time at the window looking for Mary Alice, the kitty.

Here we are with Mister Brent, mama's good friend from high school Coincidentally, he was also mama's first "boyfriend." That means in 5th grade they passed notes until one was intercepted by Mr. Faust and the relationship ended in a flurry of extreme shame and embarrassment as mama NEVER got in trouble in school!

Thanks for visiting us Mister Brent, Miss Rachel and Braeden!

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