Wednesday, February 4, 2009


What started out as a good night and an exciting game ended in tragedy as the Stillers won another Super Bowl with Big dumb Ben Worthless-berger.
We were all inconsolable and headed straight for the bottle to drown our sorrows.

Note that we're drinking Leinie's. Finally some good has come of the Leinenkugel brewery being bought out by Miller. Now our grocery store carries 4 different kinds of Leinie's (although one is berry weiss, so it doesn't count). On Sunday we had a batch of the 1888 Bock. It was brewed originally after the long winter of 1888 to celebrate that they made to spring alive. And since we had such a hard winter down here in NC, we figured we needed to celebrate too.

1 comment:

Brent & Rachel said...

I want to know how you can't root for "Big dumb Ben" just a little bit since you all went to the same school? You should be at least a little proud that he's a MU guy :)