Thursday, February 5, 2009

Videos- Mama.

I'm so pleased with how things are going this week. There's been very little whining (with the exception of lunchtime today-during which Henry insisted he was too full of peas, but needed a fried egg- which he actualy ate!). It snowed and managed to get sunny again for the rest of the week instead of the normal gray that usually accompanies cold weather. And Henry has started answering the phone so I don't have to (Miss Leah got a long earful about his trains).

Yesterday afternoon, both of my children played together without one of them screaming "June's going to get my train! She's looking at it. She's going to crash my train! Come move her!" Since the train was moved to it's safe place behind the chair, June was allowed to roam free without inflicting too much damage on Henry's toys. Prior to this video, Henry was actually helping June put the blocks through the appropriate holes in the box. But by the time I got the camera out, June had moved on and Henry was just being weird. But it still bought me enough time to make supper and read a magazine for a few minutes.

Like I said, we moved the train to its safe place. And every afternoon, Henry is allowed to play quietly downstairs while I put June down for her nap. When I get back downstairs, there is usually an elaborate storyline being acted out for the trains. My favorite went like this:
"Let's go to the store."
"Before we go, you need to pick up your toys."
"I don't know how"
"Here's a bin. Put them in here."
"I need you to help me."
"You can do it yourself."

Gee, those trains sound a lot like some people I know. So today, I tried to sneak between the chair and table quietly and take a video without Henry noticing. I think this story involves a green train with glasses who is driving te wrong way.

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