Friday, March 20, 2009

For Uncle Jim and Aunt Jenni- Gugger.

Mama caught wind that Uncle Jim was recently lamenting the desire to squeeze his youngest (read: favorite) goddaughter. Aunt Jenni called to tell us and said that we mama and papa may wake up one morning and my crib will be empty and I'll have a new home in Indiana. On the condition that I'm not wearing boy overalls.
I think mama tried to laugh it off and covered with something like "She's been wearing dresses all week." Granted, there's walways been a pair of jeans under those dresses, but they were dresses all the same. Then she asked if Aunt Jenni had a camera in our house somewhere.

Aunt Jenni doesn't know what she's missing. These overalls are stinking cute. They are cute when I wear them, they were cute when Henro wore them, and they were even cute in 1986 when mama's cousin John wore them. Cuteness like this transcends the decades.

So, if you still want me, Uncle Jim, you'll have to take my 10 pairs of overalls with you. (And my shirt does have pink polka dots and I am wearing pink shoes, so mama still feels justified that I look like a girl.)

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