Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Greensboro Science Center- Henry.

We've been having some spectacular spring weather lately. And not just the 5 day rains that are too common down here in North Carolina. So we've been doing our best to get out and enjoy the sun while it lasts.
On Saturday we visited the Greensboro Science Center. I insisted that we first visit the kids' play room before we went outside. Juner and Papa conferred and eventually agreed.

I got some grocery shopping in.

And Junebug tidied up the house.

Then we headed outside to the zoo. Mama and papa were enthralled with the anteater and its long tongue. Mama was happy to get her zoom lens out to try to get a shot of it from the boardwalk.

Our favorite part of the zoo is the Bengal tigers. You can actually get within 5 feet up them if you're brave enough to go up to the fence. Let me just say, they are huge!
As usual, I was head in charge of pushing Juner's stroller. Look at what a stinker she is. Don't worry- she is strapped in.

There's a new species at the zoo- Stinkerus Junicus.

1 comment:

Sadie and Dash said...

I am thinking of starting a wildlife preserve for Stinkerus Junicuses. It may get overrun fairly quickly with Junicuses (they have no natural predators), but as Mitch Hedberg would say, "It's the cutest infestation ever."