Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Riding a bike- Henry.

Papa thinks that maybe I've been spending too much time in my intellectual pursuits and not enough time trying to defeat the athletic ability that I inherited from my mother.

We decided that maybe a Big Wheel would be easier to ride, so mama picked this great Barbie big wheel up for $2. I just wanted to push it.

So papa pulled my bike to the top of the parking lot and let me ride down hill.

It was a mild success. I rode my bike a a few minutes but didn't have much interest in continuing.
This picture pretty much sums up my feelings towards my bike. I just wish I was inside working on math problems.

1 comment:

The Seibert Kids said...

I would not ride a pink and baby blue bike either henry. Come to Uncle Kevin's house and I will set you up with something with flames on it!