Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our trip tp DC- Friday- June.

This weekend we visited Miss Leah and Mister Josh in DC. Papa had a conference in DC, so we tagged along and the Vincents are still reeling from what they called "Turner Invasion 2009." (We call it "Turner Invasion 2009- Part 1." We'll be back.)

Friday was gorgeous, so we headed downtown to the National Zoo- along with the rest of the city. When we finally made it to the zoo, I did not want to pose with the otters, but they made me anyway. At least we got a good look of my latest preppy outfit from Miss Leah.

Mama and Henry weren't as scared of the otters.

The animals were neat, but the real attraction for Henry was the bridge over the enormous construction site.

Someday this will be a new elephant habitat, but Henry hopes they leave the huge crane.

We eventually pried Henry off the bridge to go in search of other animals. Henry showed us how flamingos stand.

And Miss Leah and Henry posed on a giant eagle- just like from the Lord of the Rings.

This weekend, I started getting bold by standing on my own for up to 10 seconds. I'm also experimenting more with climbing.
We also saw some bears, primates, and cheetahs, but as the afternoon wore on, us kids started to wilt in the hot sun. Plus add in the fact that both of us were up until 11pm in the cars and then up again at 1am when we got to DC (extra late thanks to night time contruction. Thanks Virginia).

We were going to go see the Lions, but some of our group turned up the whine and we all decided to head for home.

We both fell asleep on the way back to the car, which meant we both were awake for the whole car ride back to Miss Leah's! After a long day of no napping, mama was just about ready to pitch us out the window and put us down to bed early- which we fought against for a good 90 minutes. After Henry declared a deep fear of the nightlight, mama put her foot down and we decided to take it easy on her for the rest of the night.

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