Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day Videos- Mama.

Did you notice we're really far behind? Thanks to all (or most of) our loyal readers for not calling and demanding a blog update NOW! We were out of town and by the time I got around to updating the blog we were at the Cooper house- or should I say "The black hole of wireless internet." PawPaw, you need to get that fixed before you leave.

In an effort to update you on a very exciting week, I want to keep everything chronological, so here's a few videos I found on the camera from mother's day.

Henry demonstrates his singing and rocking skills. Then he spontaneously morphs into a sleeping baby. And check out the new set of drawers I picked up to house our ever expanding Matchbox collection. $4 at Goodwill. I'm never shopping retail again.

June didn't prepare any song or dance for mother's day. But the big payoff comes when she yanks Henry's trains from the track.

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