Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hanging out with Grandma- Juner.

Today, we just took a day to relax. PawPaw was in Wisconsin for guard stuff, so we just hung out with Grams and enjoyed the weather.
After a great super at El Campesino and a fun trip to the dollar store for supplies for our vacation (yes, we still have one vacation left), we decided to spend the evening in the yard before the mosquitoes made their debut.

Henry agreed to a shot, even if it gets him in trouble with Pawps for parking in the bushes.

I tried out the new magnifying glass Henry picked out at the dollar store. I think this is how it works.
And this is how the scooter works too. right?
Then I wandered around the house and tried to steal the bubble from this little fairy. It didn't work.

You might remember that Jazz and I haven't always gotten along. Now that I'm walking, I'm bigger than Jazz and we've become very good friends. We are always together and give each other hugs. And since Jazz's new arthritis medicine kicked in, we've been having fun chasing each other around the yard.

We are even such good friends that we share food. In this video, i'm just teasing Jazz with my bread, but there have been multiple occasions where we've both taken licks at the same food and thoroughly grossed Nama out.

These are two filthy kids.

Mama really likes how this shot of Henry in the General Lee turned out.

Before they came inside for a bath, mama and Henry brought in the paper and the mail. Henry had fun swinging the paper and trying not to hit any cars.

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