Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wednesday at the zoo- Henry.

On Wednesday, Grandma Seibert came down and picked up mama to go to Columbus to go to a quilt show. We were so excited that mama didn't want us to go that papa took us to the zoo.
I was very willing to sit on all the statues.

June posed for a shot, but was not pleased to spend any time in the stroller. She wants to walk everywhere now, but never wants to hold hands or go in the same direction as anyone else.
Someone was nice enough to take a picture of all three of us.

We didn't see many animals at the zoo, but had fun looking at the pond, playing at the playground, and walking up and down the ramp to view the lions.
We had a great time and didn't have spend hours looking at bolts of fabric. Surprisingly enough, mama seemed to be pretty happy that she didn't have us there too. Thanks for driving down to the show, Grandma!

My favorite thing to do to help out in the kitchen is to play in the pudding drawer. I broke into the muffin liners and decorated the whole house with papers.

In her latest effort to totally embarrass me, mama got me a new bathing suit. She normally objects against bikinis, but this one has a built in swim diaper and if there's one thing she hates more than bikinis on babies, it's spending money on diapers (disposable swim diapers are expensive!). she says i can wear this under a one piece if I'm feeling modest.

1 comment:

Poofleia said...

I kinda dig the two-piece! So cute.

and your kids are positively adorable. I THOROUGHLY love checking out your pictures and stories.

and CONGRATS on the new position! That is truly great. And it couldn't happen to a nicer family :)