Thursday, July 2, 2009

More videos-Juner.

Back at home, we're settling into our summer schedule. Mama enrolled Henry in a summer program at a local school for autistic kids. They have an inclusion preschool that pairs up typical kids with autistic kids. Henry loves it because they get to play in the water outside every morning and mama love it because it's 5 days a week, 6 hours a day and completely free.
I love it because it gives me free run of the house and all the toys. Notice that I accessorized myself in mama's headband in this picture.

He doesn't know I played with his tools or his monster truck.

Henry's preschool program focuses mainly on kids learning to work and play together. He's only been there for three days, but we can already tell that he's learning a lot. Maybe it's also because we're not around each other as much, but he's been very good with me lately.

My new favorite toy is Little People. I am usually carrying 4 or 5 people around with me and love playing with this playground.

Mama can put me in the highchair with the swing and a few people and it will keep me happy for at least 15 minutes.

Mama thinks it's funny, because she got this playground at a garage sale for Henry when he was my age. He never played with the people but did push cars down the slide.

On Thursday, we opened our mail to find a surprise from the Meyer kids in Edgerton. They sent over a huge pack of tattoos. We put two on right away and now he's got about 14 on both arms.

I'm finally starting to make a little headway on my vocabulary. Here I am working on a few signs. Mama' trying to get me to sign "more." I sign that and "all done." I also say "nana" for banana- my favorite food.

I also say the words "hi," "hello," "Jazz" (nama's dog), "all done", and "dada" (for Henry, not papa). Unfortunately, I don't say any of these words in this video. But my babbling is pretty cute.

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