Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The drive home-mama.

We flew back to Ohio on Sunday and got into Marion around 1 am on Monday morning. We had to be back to NC to get down to the business of moving on Monday, so we took off early Monday morning.

While in Dallas, we hoped people would say things like "It's been three years, it's so good to see you." Instead, we heard things like "Why don't you put more videos on your blog?" Well, Arend, here you go. June's going to have a tough time at finishing school, because spitting is her favorite past time.
After we all stopped spitting, the kids engaged in a spirited game of hide and seek.

And for once in their lives, both kids fell asleep at the same time. You might not know, but both Henry and June usually refuse to sleep in the car. Even if we are driving in the middle of the night, they are usually awake. But we got lucky and they both took a good nap almost all the way across Virginia and into North Carolina.

1 comment:

Poofleia said...

So much fun!
I'm sure you're EXHAUSTED from all that travelling and bowling and MOVING on top of it!
I love those kids of yours :)

Good luck with the move!
and I hope to see you soon!