Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Naked bike riding- Henry.

Our favorite people- Mister Paul and Miss Susan came over this weekend to do a little swimming. We had so much fun, we didn't leave the pool until it was almost too dark to see.

When we got home, mama stripped June out of her bikini and went upstairs to get her jammies. Meanwhile, Juner snuck out back for a little naked bike riding.

Scrawny little kid.

I hope someone washed that seat.

We don't have any pictures to prove it, but on Friday, we all went to the Y with my school class. They have a zero depth entry water works pool for kids. It gets as deep as 3 1/2 feet and I was completely confident, even in the deep end. (I'm only about 40 inches tall.) I ran under lots of water falls and we all took good naps when we got home.

On Saturday evening, mama and Mister Pail both ran a 5k. Called the Beat the Heat 5k, it's run in the evening so you can truly appreciate the splendor of July in North Carolina. Lucky for mama, it was only 80 degrees with a slight breeze. Perfect for a nice run. Paul of course, ran a swift 21 minute 5k. Since mama just hurt her back one week ago, papa was not so pleased that she was running at all. But mama said activity was the only thing to loosen up her tight muscles and squeaked in just one second under 30 minutes (although her official time was 30:01- we know that's not right). She was pleased with her time, as it was her first race in over three years and because when she ran on Friday she was only able to run 14 minute miles. Mama has also decided to only run races in the evening because they served, subs, pizza and beer to all the participants. What is this, Wisconsin?
Mama wanted me to show you the purse she made over Cooper family vacation. You can't really tell because of the print, but there is a green lining and lots of curved piecing. She still needs to find a big button to finish it off, but is pretty pleased with the finished project, even if it meant the (hopefully) temporary alienation of her in-laws because she refused to take part in a particularly rowdy and loud game of Pit.
Finally, we excited to announce for the second time that we have a house in Clemson. The first house didn't make it past the home inspection- something about a leaking hot water heater led to the discovery that there was no drainage or working sump pump under the house. So we abandoned that house for this house. The inspection is tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that we don't have to go back to Clemson again until we move. Mama says she's sure we've looked at every house in the county.

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