Thursday, July 9, 2009

The weekend- Henry.

Once a point of terror in our house, we're now quite fond of our big toy Tyrannosaurus Rexes. Mama vividly remembers a time in Wisconsin when I banished my T.Rex to Juner's crib and cried for a half hour when she got it out.

This T.Rex, when it's not rampaging against Matchbox car towns, has a button on the back that opens and closes its mouth, while emitting some pretty terrifying sounds. I like to try and get it to pick things up in its mouth. Last night I spent a good 45 minutes "feeding" it animal crackers and creating quite a lot of crumbs.

June is apparently following in the footprints of Aunt Girl in that she loves to be scared. She will pick up the T.Rex and carry it around, hounding mama and papa to make it roar, then she looks terrified and runs away- until the roaring stops and she started all over again.
She even roars back at the dinosaur.

Here she is caught in the act of scaring herself.
On Thursday, mama promised me that we'd go out for ice cream if I ate a good supper. She was very surprised that I ate, especially because she'd made Ethiopian food for supper (we miss Buraka in Madison). So we braved a rainstorm and headed out for ice cream. I insisted that we both wear our full rain gear.

I've been so funny lately, mama decided to take a long video of me. If you've got almost 4 minutes, here's a glimpse of daily life with a goofy 3 1/2 year old. Mama also wishes she'd caught on tape when I'd explained to her that the scrape on my knee was healing. "It shrinks back into my bones."

June has been saying a few new words. Among them: "Mama" "Papa" and "Bubba." In this video you can hear mama say those words a lot, but June only says "mama" and goes back to making mischief. It is pretty cute to hear her babble though. Mama say that I never babbled, I just pointed to what I wanted and yelled "Becky!" She says that Juner's babbling reminds her of our friend Nora when she was a toddler. Pay attention to what a stinker she is. Mama pulled a muscle in her back this weekend at the gym. So she's been on the couch while papa is playing Mr. Mom. He tried to clean the house, but was surprised at how quickly June had torn it all apart again.

Here's another attempt to get her to talk. If you listen closely, June kind of says "Di-so," or "dinosaur." She really love dinosaurs. You can also hear me helping June out with some words. I'm tired of hearing mama trying to get her to talk. It's not so hard. I do it all the time.
We mentioned that I really like painting. Here's a finished piece. Look at how well I stayed in the lines.
Mama got this cute shot of June watching the tv in full zombie mode.

On Saturday, we had a big treat when Mr. Doug called us and said he'd be stopping by on his way home to Fort Bragg. We were really excited when he brought his dog Sasha. Mama even let Sasha sleep inside (she had a cage) and Sasha proved to be a very nice dog.
Sasha was a nervous little dog and really only warmed up to Juner. Maybe because thye were the same size.
Align Center
I asked Mr. Doug if he would leave Sasha with us, but mama said no.

Finally, on Sunday night, we had a special movie night. Papa got Wall-E on blue ray and we've been dying to watch it. It had enough bloopers to make me laugh the whole movie. Here's a sample of what it's like to watch a funny movie with me.

And here's what it's like when I'm not laughing- a LOT of questions. By the way, if you haven't seen Wall-E, go rent it. It's the cutest movie we've seen in a long time, and we're all debating whether how to rank it among the rest of our favorite Pixar movies. (Mama thinks it might be her new number one.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear UP is very good and a strong contender for that #1 Disney/Pixar movie spot. Also Toy Story 3 is coming out and rumored to be very good. :) We (well, Rachel and I...Braeden's still too little, not enough attn for that long of a show...we've tried Cars a few times, he watches for about 15-20 minutes then its done) watched Wall-E when it first hit dvd...we liked it a lot too :) waaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaall-eee :-D