Thursday, October 1, 2009

The President's Box- Henry.

On Tuesday night, Clemson hosted a new faculty dinner in the President's Box of the football stadium. Complete with cheerleaders, the brass section of the band, and the mascot. We took the camera, but forgot to take any pictures of us looking over Death Valley.
But here's a shot of us eating cake (it was orange, of course).

June really liked hers and seems to have left the party with quite a reputation as the little girl who stands on chairs, makes a huge mess of cake, then tries to jump off the top row of seats in the box overlooking the field.

She's also the little girl who showed up with pants under her dress and a Dinoco tattoo on her arm.

It was so cold this morning (55 degrees! We are getting soft.) that mama decided Junie needed some tights on under her dress. Poor Juner's legs re so scrawny, she didn't fill out these tights too well. Mama says saggy tights reminds her of a Ramona Quimby book she read when she was little.

And what's with that big face bruise? On Monday night, June's face got on the wrong end of my plastic baseball bat. When mama and papa asked me what happened, I tried to cover by telling them that a ladder fell on Juner's face. Turns out I got in much more trouble for lying than I would have gotten for telling them I hit her on accident.

Too bad the little camera is dead, because this would have made a good video. June and I got the tunnel out today and made a game of crawling through then jumping on the tunnel when someone else is in it.
We thought it was pretty funny.

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