Sunday, March 7, 2010

More presents?- June.

All week, my birthday kept coming. I got a new doctor set from the Columbus Turners. It's hilarious to see Henry use it, but I still throw a hissy fit at the mention of a doctor's office.

Mama made the mistake of scheduling both of our yearly check-ups at the same time. She did make the wise choice of scheduling them when Grams was in town and could go with us. I was better at this appointment, meaning I only cried about 50 percent of the time. I'm 33 inches tall and weigh 27 pounds- placing me solidly in the 25th percentile for both groups.

Henry was great for his check-up. He was very cooperative standing on the scale and getting his height measured. (37 pounds and 40 inches- 50th percentile-who knew he wasn't a shrimp?) The problems started when it was his turn to get 4 shots. He's read plenty of books about getting shots and talked about it 100 times. And though he's never enjoyed getting shots, he's at least put on a brave face. Not this time. He threw the biggest fit and it took mama and two nurses to hold him down to give him the shots. The nurse actually told mama his legs would be sore because his muscles were so tense that it was heard to get the needle in. Sure enough, his entire right thigh had a light bruise from the trauma. He even told mama later that evening that it probably wouldn't have hurt if he hadn't wiggled so much. Maybe next time.
Back to presents. I got this awesome package from Aunt Molly and Uncle Michael. The presents even came gift-wrapped. How fancy.
I was so excited to find new Little People! Mama wishes that she had taken pictures when she was extracting the toys from the packaging (for 20 minutes). I would run to the package, clasp my hands to my giant cheeks and exclaim "Oh!" I could barely contain my excitement. Thanks, Neiders!
In the past, mama has heard people talk about the art of rotating toys. After Christmas, she finally couldn't handle the sheer volume of our stuff (but refuses to get rid of anything because the new baby might like it one day). So she bought 4 huge bins and started packing up toys. Henry was very intrigued by the idea and helped her pack away things. Last week, he started asking her to get the toys out again. So they hauled out the 4 bins (we love our walk-in attic- no ladders!) and reveled in the "new toys." Seriously, it's like Christmas all over again. I've played with this gear toy for at least 45 minutes every morning. Mama loves that it keeps us occupied and can't wait for next month when we can can do it all again.
After a freak snow storm last week (it was almost cold enough to stick to the grass), it looks like spring has really sprung. The temperatures has been in the 60s and the weather has been beautiful. Inspired by the early spring (though late by South Carolina standards), mama has been busy going through the boxes and boxes of hand-me-downs. We seriously have so much that all my spring and summer clothes don't fit in my dresser. In this picture I'm modeling a Sadie original and pretending to be asleep. And please know, that it is warm down here, but not quite warm enough for this. I had to change to go play outside.

Mama has a few good stories to tell about Henry these days. One day he told her that he really likes dinosaurs, but doesn't look at pictures of meat-eaters before he goes to sleep. They give him bad dreams. Mama told him that's why she doesn't think about gas-powered furnaces or tax returns before bed.

And yesterday, we were getting out of the car when Henry suddenly had many questions to ask about the new baby.

Henry: When the baby comes out of you, are you going to die?

Mama: No, I'll go to the hospital and they will take care of me. I will be sick for a few days, but people don't die having babies.

(She then started worrying about Henry laying awake at night fearing for her safety. But Henry must not have a firm grip on the concept of death yet.)

Henry: Did you die when I came out of you?

Mama: No, I survived.

Henry: Did you die when June came out?

Mama: Do I look dead?

Henry: No, I guess not. Does it hurt the baby to be covered in your blood?

I guess we need to have a talk with Henry about the business of growing a baby and explain to him that it will not pop out Alien-style. He also thinks that all of the babies mama has had are all in there at the same time. He often talks about how he used to play with me in her belly before he came out. I wish he would have gotten a good look at the new baby so he could tell me if its a boy or girl.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

I saw all the boxes outside and thought you might be having a clear-out in prep for the new baby!