Thursday, March 4, 2010

Visitors- Henry.

We didn't really mention it previously, but we had two wonderful guests staying with us recently. Grams Cracker spent 8 days with us and Great Grandma Wagner spent 3 days with us on her tour of the south.
Grandma Wagner hitched a ride down to North Carolina with Uncle Larry and Aunt Linda. Then Mister Andy and Miss Christina brought her to us when they came down for June's party. We had the best time because Great Grandma was incredibly attentive to me. She played anything game I wanted, got down on the floor to throw balloons, visited my school, read me books, and even brought a new present for me to open every day, including this new bulldozer puzzle.
Add on that we had Grams with us too, and it was heaven for two kids. Constant attention! Infinite patience! While I was at school in the morning, she and mama had fun shopping, visiting local bakeries (and Mexican restaurants) and even snuck out one night to see that Percy Jackson movie. Once Grandma came, they also got to visit Vice President Calhoun's house and a really old cemetary just outside of town that featured a church built in the mid-1700s that was fortified to withstand Indian attacks. Mama enjoyed the cemetery especially because it had many colorful people buried there, such as a lady who fell from her social standing in New Orleans. Her brother found her there, shot her and her lover and brought her back to Pendleton to bury her. Only the parish wouldn't let her in the cemetery unless he built a stone wall around her grave. There are also many Revolutionary War, Civil War, and both World War veterans there.
On Wednesday, we were said to have to say goodbye to Grandma and Grams. I was so upset by it all that I threw up my breakfast about 2 seconds after this picture was taken. I had been complaining that my tummy hurt, but no one took me seriously. Mama thinks it my have been some kind of reaction to the 4 shots I had at the doctor's office on Tuesday. After I threw up, I felt great and acted completely normal, especially now that I didn't have to go to school.

This threw a wrench in mama's plans because she was supposed to take Grandma back to Charlotte and more importantly, she had a trip to Trader Joe's and Ikea planned. Luckily, papa was able to spend the day at home with me and ultimately Juner as well. Mama got a mile down the road with her and realized what she was doing and brought her right back home to stay with us. Needless to say, she had a great time in Charlotte without any kids.

We've had a rough transition back into life without 4 adults bestowing constant attention. June spent a day looking around the house, asking "Gamma?" Grams and Grandma, please come back whenever you want! You're always welcome!

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