Friday, May 14, 2010

New links- June.

It's long overdue, but we wanted to point out that we've added two new blog links to our sidebar. Both blogs belong to the boys of our neighborhood. The first is James and Andy's blog. They live down the road to the right. The second is John and Christopher's, who live down the road to the left. All four are a good time to be with.

You might notice that along with the boys next door, that makes 6 boys in the neighborhood. And there are four more families that have a total of more 8 boys under the age of 5. To be fair, mama knows of 4 girls on the block, but they are all over 7. John and Christopher's mom, Miss Juliet, says we probably don't stand much of a chance against having a boy. But a girl should would help even out the numbers.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

I'm honored and proud to be on the blog roll.
Love, Miss Juliet