Friday, May 14, 2010

Slushies- June.

This morning, mama wanted a treat, but didn't want to drive to the Starbucks to drop $5 on a drink. Luckily, we've got a magic bullet and some Chai tea mix from the last Tastefully Simple party.
She was even nice enough to give some to me. And a straw too!
The best part is that Henry spotted the Magic Bullet after school and scored us orange-strawberry-blueberry slushies after lunch! Two in one day!

WARNING: Don't come to South Carolina in the summer!

Last night, papa and Henry cleaned out the garage. (And Henry earned a 10 cent book for all of his hard work- Curious George Wins a Medal.) After he blew out all of the dirt and leaves, papa came across this spider. That thing was seriously as tall as a brick. Mama tried to get papa to kill it, but he said that thing probably would eat half the bugs in the yard. We think maybe he was too scared because it jumped at him when he tried to get a picture of it.


Unknown said...

first year in our house, we found that there was a colony of black widow spiders living under our house. i'm all for spiders, but not ones that could kill a small child, so we hired a pest control service to come spray our house every 3 months.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is sooooooooo creepy!!!! Reminds me of the wolf spiders we get here in our house...did you find out what kind of a spider it was...ewwwwwww...

from Cindy's friend Pam