We came up with two more reasons we like South Carolina. And believe it or not, both of them are bug related.
1. The ticks down here don't carry Lyme Disease. If there are even any ticks down here. We haven't see any yet. It's so nice not to have to check hair, armpits, and groins every time we go outside.
2. No mosquitoes! Okay, there are a few and most of them are enormous, but they're nothing compared to the mosquito breeding ground that was the East side of Madison, Wisconsin. Our neighborhood wanted to be green, so there was no spraying and we also had rain gardens everywhere to prevent runoff.
That generally meant that summer was three months of constant attacks. Mama swears that she once saw a swarm of mosquitoes align in a hand with a finger pointing straight towards Bubba.
These pictures are two good examples. The one of me is after papa opened the car door to take Henry inside. The door was open for maybe 15 seconds and when he came back out to get me, there were 6 mosquitoes on my face. The picture of Henry was the day before a doctor's appointment when mama counted 31 bites on his body.
But don't worry, South Carolina. You've got the rest of the country beat on every other bug. Last week a cockroach the size of her palm flew into mama's hair, papa ran over a yellow jacket's nest (and got stung 21 times), and Henry met the wrong end of a bee. The good news is that we seem to have packaged enough of our food in tupperware that the sugar ants haven't been back to our kitchen (knock on wood). That, or maybe our new dark countertops hide them effectively so that no one knows they are there.
Yes. Did you hear the mosquito car driving by on Monday night? You know it's really summer here when that starts... I know we don't have mosquitoes enough to compete with "up Nawth," but we have more than any of us want... There has been one stalking Christopher and he has woken up with a new bite every morning this week.
Maybe i should be thankful that we finally live in a city that sprays for mosquitoes. Poor baby Christopher.
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