Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mama's handiwork- June.

We returned to Marion for one night to pick up Grams Cracker, as she agreed to come back to South Carolina with us for a few days. (Papa was holding her car for ransom, so she didn't have much choice.)
The Columbus Turners came up for a cookout and we had a fun time running around the yard.

Mama spent the majority of her camera time trying to get a picture of my new dress. When she was at the thrift store with Grandma, she came across this fabric for only 40 cents! Grandma said it was way too obnoxious, so mama decided to make me a dress from it, because she figures she only has a little while left before I refuse to wear awful clothes. It turned out awfully cute, if she must say so herself. She also made Henry a pair of construction boxer shorts that are equally loud.
Watch out, here comes the Tickle Monster!
Oh no, the Tickle Monster's only weakness is Uncle Adam!

Aunt Girl tried to teach me how to do a cartwheel. I had my own interpretation.

Grandma Seibert introduced Henry to the concept of "underdogs." He was eager to try it out on me.

Sadie and Henro both wanted to push me. It seems to me like I got the best deal of anyone.

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