Saturday, June 5, 2010

More family fun- June.

We've got so much to show you, get ready for some mega posts.
What do you get when you put three Turner kids together? Craziness. One night we spent a half hour running around, yelling, and throwing ourselves on the floor. Papa made the mistake of entering the fray and got tackled.

I tried out a dramatic fall. You'll notice how Sadie followed Henry and did everything he did. He loves him and wants to be just like him. Mostly, she just thinks I'm annoying and wants to make sure I'm not touching anything that belongs to her.
Grams bought some sweet corn for supper. While mama was out shucking it in the driveway, I decided I NEEDED some NOW!
Since mama will never deny a kid who wants to try a vegetable, she handed over an ear. Even though it was raw, it was very sweet and tender. Once I got used to the right way of eating it (like a typewriter, not a banana, mama says), I fished the ear off.
Sadie wanted to get in on the fun and got her own ear too.
We didn't eat much else that night, but at least we ate our vegetables.

Here's a video from the firecracker night. We look like a pretty classy bunch out in the driveway launching explosives at each other's cars. Henry's vintage Pleasant Wrestling shirt doesn't help our case.

Nor does Uncle Adam's Weezer dressed up as Elvis T-shirt. Mama was just glad everyone made it through the night with all their fingers intact.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Katie surprised mama and papa with tickets to an Avett Brothers concert on Saturday night. It was a clear cool night and perfect for an outdoor concert.
And the music was great too. Mama likes to give papa a hard time because every Avett Brothers song can be summer up like this:
"I used to get in a lot of trouble, but my parents always believed in me and thank you, baby, for living me for who I am and not who I used to be."

That's pretty sensitive stuff. But mama and papa and Unkie and Aunt Katie are old now and neo-folk-punk music on banjos, guitars and cellos are about as hard core as we can expect from a bunch of pregnant ladies and responsible guys. At least they all had awesome beards.

Thanks for the great night out, Unkie and Aunt Kate!
Where were the kids while the grown ups were out living it up and eating ice cream from UDF after midnight? Luckily, Grams babysat Sadie and I. We spent our evening practicing our piano duets.
The Turners' house came with this awesome baby grand piano and I tickled the ivories and performed a few of my favorite tunes.

This one ought to earn me a Grammy.
On Sunday morning, Papa and Sadie cemented their friendship when papa loaded Sadie up with at least 4 doughnuts before Aunt Katie hid them.
This might be the first time in her life that Sadie hasn't give mama and papa disdainful looks of embarrassment that they are related to her.
Mama took off early to head up to Minerva for a baby shower for her college roommate, Miss Leah. Miss Leah is having a little girl only three weeks before mama.
Belly bump!
Where was Henry during all this fun? He was up in Cleveland picking up Aunt Girl at the airport with Mister Anthony. She was flying in after spending two weeks in Ireland. And even though she was probably beyond exhausted, she and Mister Anthony took Henry to spend the night in her apartment at school and have a special weekend of just Henry. They drove back down to Columbus to meet up with everyone else and even managed to score some ice cream from the ice cream truck!

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